Remote Video Analysis

Are you a triathlete or open water swimmer who is looking to improve your front crawl? Now, for those who can't travel to one of our full detailed swim analysis and stroke correction sessions, you can get your stroke reviewed by a coach no matter where you are in the world!

Simply get someone to record you swimming and send it in to us. We'll reply with a recorded analysis summary of your stoke along with advice on what you need to do to improve. Read on for further details.

How it works?

Simply get a coach, friend (or anyone else who is willing) to film you swimming from a few different angles. Full instructions are below, but in summary, they will need to walk alongside you filming you from the side of the pool. Also, ideally, with a waterproof camera of some kind, some underwater footage would allow for a much more in-depth analysis.


Follow our instructions to get someone to film you swimming


Upload the footage to us using Wetransfer (a free service)


We will contact you to acknowledge receipt and let you know when you will receive your analysis


Follow the advice given to become more efficient, faster and enjoy your swimming more!


If you wish you can book a call with the coach to discuss the analysis

*additional service


Follow our instructions to get someone to film you swimming


Upload the footage to us and send us a link to where we can view it.


We will contact you to acknowledge receipt and let you know when you will receive your analysis


Follow the advice given to become more efficient, faster and enjoy your swimming more!


If you wish you can book a call with the coach to discuss the analysis

*additional service


Remote Swim Analysis with recorded review - £50

Online review with coach (optional) - £40

Swim Smooth Certified Swim Analysis and Stroke Correction

Can't Travel?

New remote video analysis service!


What happens during the Swim Analysis and Stroke Correction Session?

First of all we will get you into the pool and after swimming a few lengths to warm up, we will film you. You will be filmed from all angles including directly above (looking down) and underneath the water. Once the filming is done, we will then spend time with you on poolside going through the recorded footage. This part of the process is hugely valuable as it allows us to see in fine detail what is happening with your stroke. During the review, we will analyse your stroke using slow-motion software and annotate areas for development. We will show you clips of elite swimmers side-by-side so you can see clearly the difference between your stroke and the world's best swimmers. Finally, we will show you recordings of the drills that you should work on. These drills will be specific to you and your stroke meaning you will go away with no doubt what you should be working on to improve. The whole analysis element of the session is recorded and you will be sent a link to the recording so you can watch it at home.

The Venues

Newbold Terrace E, Royal Leamington Spa, Leamington Spa CV32 4EW, UK


  • 75 Minute Full Swim Analysis and Stroke Correction Session with DVD Footage of Analysis - £130

  • 60 Minute Review Session (for repeat visits) - £90

  • NEW We now offer a remote review and analysis service  for only £50. Please click here for more.......

Session Availability and Booking

There are two ways to book. These are:

  • Book and pay for your session by downloading the Do3 Coaching App - click here to find out more.

  • Book and pay using our booking system below (scroll further down for detailed instructions if you need them)

What you need

All you need to bring is your usual swimming gear such as your costume, goggles and hat (if you wear one). It is also worth bringing an extra towel or robe to put over you poolside while we go through the video review process. If you have any training aids such as pull buoys, fins, etc then bring them so the coach can look at what you have. In line with the Swim Smooth methodology we advise the use of certain products to help you with your drills. These items are tried and tested and we may recommend some of them following your session if we think they would help you.

Frequently asked questions

I'm not sure this service what I'm looking for. Can you help me?!

If you are someone who is looking to improve your freestyle/front crawl then this service is a great start! We have reviewed swimmers of all abilities from newbies to regular, life-long swimmers. Its hugely beneficial actually seeing yourself swim because your stroke is often completely different to what you think you look like!

How do I book a review?

Simply click the button above (or here) and you'll then be taken to a page where we give you instructions on what and how to film. We'll also show you how to send us the link to your video

How long does it take to get my review?

Once we have the footage, we will aim to do this within 5 working days (but it is often much faster than this)

How do I get the filming done for a remote swim review?

First of all, the better the quality of the filming, the better chances we have of taking a good look at your stroke and therefore a better quality review. Don't worry, a phone will be fine. Underwater footage will really help if you can get it. Obviously get permission from the facility you intend to use to do the filming!

What if I need to talk to a coach about the review they have done?

When we send you your review we will also send you a link to book a call slot with the coach who did your analysis. The call slot will be up to 20 minutes long and is £40. 

How fast do I swim during the footage recording?

Feel free to mix it up. Most main areas for correction will be apparent at whatever speed you choose to swim at.

Can I wear bouyancy shorts and/or a pull buoy?

Ideally not. These will change the way you swim and mask some areas that may need working on.