Please follow the instructions below accurately. This will ensure your review is completed as quickly as possible. The better quality the filming, the more detail and accuracy we will be able to get in to the review.
When you have uploaded your footage, you will receive a confirmation email. Once we have the footage we will contact you (usually within 2 working days) and let you know if we require any further information and when you can expect to have your analysis ready.
Swim Smooth Certified Swim Analysis and Stroke Correction
New remote video analysis service!
First of all we will get you into the pool and after swimming a few lengths to warm up, we will film you. You will be filmed from all angles including directly above (looking down) and underneath the water. Once the filming is done, we will then spend time with you on poolside going through the recorded footage. This part of the process is hugely valuable as it allows us to see in fine detail what is happening with your stroke. During the review, we will analyse your stroke using slow-motion software and annotate areas for development. We will show you clips of elite swimmers side-by-side so you can see clearly the difference between your stroke and the world's best swimmers. Finally, we will show you recordings of the drills that you should work on. These drills will be specific to you and your stroke meaning you will go away with no doubt what you should be working on to improve. The whole analysis element of the session is recorded and you will be sent a link to the recording so you can watch it at home.
75 Minute Full Swim Analysis and Stroke Correction Session with DVD Footage of Analysis - £130
60 Minute Review Session (for repeat visits) - £90
NEW We now offer a remote review and analysis service for only £50. Please click here for more.......
Book and pay for your session by downloading the Do3 Coaching App - click here to find out more.
Book and pay using our booking system below (scroll further down for detailed instructions if you need them)